Monday, March 19, 2012

Busting at the Seams!

It's been a busy couple of weeks in the world of Lime Canary! We've just moved into a new, bigger space. Oh the joy! We could no longer shimmy through the aisles of our old quarters, so we had to get some bigger digs. We're still in the same, rad warehouse, just up a floor. There's definitely some grand plans to make this space awesome. We can't wait! The current state of the Lime Canary Nest is organized chaos, but we'll be busting out paint, fabrics and shelving soon! Here's a sneak peak of our new space before all the goods moved in.

 The new Lime Canary Nest- Looking to the West

The new Lime Canary Nest- Looking to the East

The new Lime Canary Nest view...Amazing! 8 lovely windows overlooking beautiful 
downtown St. Paul.

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